Lynn LoPucki
Levin, Mabie & Levin Professor of Law
Comparative Corporate Law • Corporate Law • Corporate Social Responsibility • Debtor-Creditor Relations • Empirical Analysis of Law • Large Public Company Bankruptcies • Legal Strategy • Secured Transactions • Systems Analysis of Law •
Professor Lynn M. LoPucki comes to UF in August 2022 from the UCLA School of Law where he taught Secured Transactions and Business Associations for twenty-two years. His Stakeholder Takeover Project is an effort to provide corporate stakeholders with the information they need to control corporations through markets. For example, the Project website ranks the S&P 500 companies by their greenhouse gas emissions. The UC Davis Law Review published the first Project article, Repurposing the Corporation Through Stakeholder Markets, in February 2022 and will publish the second, Corporate Greenhouse Gas Disclosures, in November.
Professor LoPucki has published more than seventy-five articles in highly regarded law reviews, including the Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, University of Chicago Law Review, University of Michigan Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Journal, and Northwestern University Law Review. He co-authors three Aspen Casebooks: Business Associations: A Systems Approach (2020) (with Andrew Verstein); Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach (9th edition with Elizabeth Warren and Robert M. Lawless), and Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach (7th edition with Elizabeth Warren, Daniel L. Keating, Ronald Mann, and Robert M. Lawless).
Since 1994, the Florida-UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database has collected large, public company bankruptcy data and disseminated it to the public and to bankruptcy researchers throughout the world. Those data provided the foundation for Professor LoPucki’s books, Courting Failure: How Competition for Big Cases is Corrupting the Bankruptcy Courts (University of Michigan Press 2005) and Professional Fees in Corporate Bankruptcies: Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (Oxford University Press, 2011) (with Joseph Doherty).
B.A., University of Michigan
J.D., University of Michigan
LL.M., Harvard
Teaching and Scholarship
- Business Associations
- Secured Transactions
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Selected Books
- Business Associations: A Systems Approach (Aspen Publishing 2021) (with Andrew Verstein)
- Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach (Aspen Publishing 9th edition 2020) (with Elizabeth Warren and Robert M. Lawless)
- Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach (Aspen Publishing 7th edition 2020) (with Elizabeth Warren, Daniel Keating, Ronald J. Mann, and Robert M. Lawless)
- Strategies for Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings (Wolters Kluwer 7th edition 2021) (with Christopher R. Mirick and Christopher G. Bradley)
- Professional Fees in Corporate Bankruptcies: Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (Oxford University Press 2011) (with Joseph W. Doherty)
- Courting Failure: How Competition for Big Cases Is Corrupting the Bankruptcy Courts (University of Michigan Press 2005, paperback 2006)
Selected Articles
- Corporate Greenhouse Gas Disclosures, 56 UC Davis Law Review (forthcoming 2022)
- Chapter 11’s Descent into Lawlessness, 96 American Bankruptcy Law Journal (forthcoming 2022)
- Repurposing the Corporation Through Stakeholder Markets, 55 UC Davis Law Review 1445 (2022)
- The PowerPoint Channel, 17 University of Massachusetts Law Review 41 (2021)
- The Systems Approach to Teaching Business Associations, 2020 Michigan State Law Review 703 (with Andrew Verstein)
- A Rule-Based Method for Comparing Corporate Laws, 94 Notre Dame Law Review 263 (2018)
- Corporate Charter Competition, 102 Minnesota Law Review 2102 (2018)
- Algorithmic Entities, 95 Washington University Law Review 887 (2018)