Robert H. Jerry, II
Emeritus Dean, 2001-2014
J.D., University of Michigan (cum laude)
B.S., Indiana State University (magna cum laude)
Teaching and Scholarship
Insurance Law, Contracts, Health Insurance, Health Care Finance and Access
- Understanding Insurance Law (with Douglas R. Richmond, co-author). New York: Lexis Publishing, Inc., 2012 (5th ed.), 1005 pp. [2008 (4th ed.), 1024 pp., with Richmond; 2002 (3rd ed.), 1171 pp.; 1996 (2nd ed.), 989 pp.; 1987 (1st ed.), 748 pp.]
- Insurance Law: Cases and Materials (with Roger C. Henderson, co-author). New York: Lexis Publishing, Inc., 2001 (3d ed.), 1225 pp. [1996 (2nd ed.), 1136 pp., with Henderson]
Book Chapters & Related Contributions
- “What is Insurance?,” In New Appleman on Insurance, Jeffrey Thomas, ed., New York: Lexis Publishing Co., 2009, Chap. 1.
- “Insurance.” In The Oxford Companion to American Law, Kermit L. Hall et al., eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Encyclopedia entry (pp. 420-23).
Law Reviews
- Article, “Bad Faith at Middle Age: Comments on ‘The Principle Without a Name (Yet),’ Insurance Law, Contract Law, Specialness, Distinctiveness, and Difference,” 19 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal (2012).
- Article, “Public Forum 2.1: Public Higher Education Institutions and Social Media,” Florida Coastal Law Review (forthcoming, 2012) (Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, co-author).
- Essay, “Leadership and Followership,” 44 University of Toledo Law Review 101-110 (2013).
- Essay, “Reflections on Leadership,” 38 University of Toledo Law Review 539-546 (2007).
- Essay, “Life, Disability, and Health Insurance: Understanding the Relationships,” 35 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 80-88 (2007).
- Article, “Regulating the Business of Insurance: Federalism in an Age of Difficult Risks,” 41 Wake Forest Law Review 835-878 (2006) (Steven E. Roberts, co-author).
- Article, “The Antitrust Implications of Collaborative Standard Setting by Insurers Regarding the Use of Genetic Information in Life Insurance Underwriting,” 9 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 397 (2003).
- Article, “Insurance, Terrorism, and 9/11: Reflections on Three Threshold Questions,” 9 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 95-120 (2002).