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Additional Information

Office Hours:
Mon. – Fri. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
(352) 273-0620
(352) 392-3800
Arranging Disability Accommodations
Students with disabilities who seek accommodations are required to self-identify. The first step in receiving accommodations is for you to register with the ADA office in 0020 Reid Hall, (352) 392-8565 Ext. 200. If you were registered with the ADA office as a University of Florida undergraduate, you must re-register to receive accommodations for law school. Accommodations are provided on an individual basis and are coordinated at the College by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. For more information on the University of Florida ADA office, please visit the Disability Resource Center website.
Student Health Information
The University of Florida Student Health Care Center (SHCC)
The Student Health Care Center is an outpatient clinic which provides primary medical and psychological care as well as a variety of other specialty services. The SHCC is funded solely by UF students. SHCC is an accredited, general practice, outpatient clinic staffed by board certified physicians, assistants, registered nurses, advanced registered nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, health educators, licensed pharmacists, licensed laboratory technologists, licensed x-ray technicians, a gynecologist, a consultant radiologist, a dietitian, and support personnel. Also a branch of SHCC is located in Corry Village, a university apartment complex near the law school. All registered UF students are eligible for SHCC services. The per-credit-hour fee, paid by all students, covers unlimited consultations with SHCC staff. However, minimal service charges are assessed for accident/injury care, lab tests, medication, x-rays, certain special services, and consultations with on-staff specialists. Visit the SHCC website.
Mandatory Student Health Insurance Program
Effective June 30, 2014, as a condition of enrollment, all newly admitted domestic and international law students are required to purchase the University of Florida’s Student Health Insurance Plan unless proof of comparable coverage is provided. Information about University-sponsored health insurance plans may be found here.
Eligible domestic students who do not wish to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan must waive coverage by providing proof of comparable insurance coverage. Eligible students will be required to submit their policy information online for verification.
International students should contact the UF International Center.
Proof of comparable insurance coverage or enrollment in the University of Florida’s Student Health Insurance Plan is required prior to the first day of classes.
Additional information including insurance coverage guidelines, frequently asked questions, and the process for submitting one’s insurance information for online verification, may be found on the University’s Student Health Insurance website.
Questions may be directed to the UF Student Health Care Center’s Insurance Office at (352) 273-4546 or insurance@shcc.ufl.edu.
GatorLink is an individual’s computer network identity at the University of Florida. Every applicant, student, faculty and staff member is expected to have a GatorLink username and password.
- If you already have a GatorLink account, click on the Modify link to display account details or modify services.
- If you don’t have a GatorLink account yet, you can create an account using the “GatorLink Account Creation” link.
- Services such as an email address, dial-up and web space are extended to GatorLink account holders based on their affiliation in the UF Directory.
- Follow the Information link for more help regarding the GatorLink account, mailbox and forwarding, web services, dial-up services and configurations.
Additional information about the GatorLink password policy and about creating a GatorLink guest account is available on the UF GatorLink Management website.
ID Cards
Your official student ID card is known as Gator 1. All enrolled students, faculty and staff must have a Gator 1 card, for it includes your picture, your UFID number and your affiliation to the university. You should keep it with you at all times.
Gator 1 cards are used:
- to access CIRCA computer labs and all university libraries
- to enter student recreation centers and other recreation facilities and intramural sports activities
- to purchase tickets to university events such as football games, Gator Growl, plays and concerts.
- as an ATM/debit card when activated by certain banks.
- with Gator Dining accounts to purchase food at any campus location with a prepaid vending account for select vending machines and laundry facilities in residence halls.
- to buy textbooks at the UF Bookstore if you are in the Textbook Deferred Payment Program.
- The ID Card Services office is located on the first floor of the UF Bookstore and Welcome Center in the J. Wayne Reitz Student Union. For more information visit Gator 1 Central or call 392-8343 or visit the card services office.
To obtain a Gator 1 card:
- Go to the ID Card Services office in the Reitz Union
- Bring a photo ID (driver’s license, military ID or passport)
- Payment can be made by cash, check, debit card, Visa, Mastercard or American Express
- To purchase a Gator 1 card for your spouse, the student spouse should bring a copy of the marriage certificate, the spouse’s photo ID and the student’s Gator 1 card. (UF student recreation and fitness center policy requires students’ spouses to show their Gator 1 card and pay a fee to use the facility.)
Parking on campus
All vehicles parked on campus during hours of parking restriction enforcement (weekdays, 7:30 am – 4:30 pm — unless signage indicates otherwise) must display a valid UF parking decal (unless parked in a metered space or approved pay facility). A decal is not required to park in most restricted areas after 4:30 pm, but be sure to check signage and never park in a service drive, reserved space or disabled person parking space without the proper decal or permit. All vehicles parked on campus must obey UF’s parking rules and regulations
A valid UF parking decal allows the holder the opportunity to utilize the parking facilities that decal is specifically designated for (eg. Commuter, Orange, Red, etc.), parking facilities marked “All Decal” and other restricted areas depending on the decal. It is important to note that a parking decal does not guarantee the holder a parking space. NOTE: students at the law school are eligible and will be issued a Commuter decal.
How to Purchase a Parking Decal
- Parking decals may be purchased at the Customer Service Office, which is located at the corner of Bldg. 112 Gale Lemerand Dr. (corner of Gale Lemerand and Mowry Road). Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. You must present your tag number and UF ID when you purchase your decal.
- Decals may be purchased either annually, for the current semester, monthly or weekly. Annual decals may be renewed each year on the following schedule. Faculty/Staff: April 1, Students: September 1, Hospital Residents: July 1.
- Eligible faculty and staff members may have the cost of their decals deducted from their pay. Students may charge the price of their decals to their student account. Decals may also be purchased with cash, personal check, ATM/debit card, credit card (Visa or MasterCard).
- Current decal prices
Bus System
Regional Transit System (RTS) provides bus service covering the UF campus and the City of Gainesville. Students, UF Career Service employees, Faculty and Administrative and Professional employees may ride any Regional Transit System bus fare-free with a valid UF ID. Visit the RTS website or call (352) 334-2600 for general schedule information.
Let RTS be your Sunday driver for shopping, attending a Sunday worship service or having brunch Downtown. Catch the Sunday campus circulator to check out the exhibits at the Harn Museum of Art, take in a sporting event or enjoy a picnic at Lake Alice.
RTS will provide hourly service on nine (9) new, city fixed routes from approximately 10 AM until 5 PM. RTS has also enhanced Sunday Service on an existing UF Campus circulator route (126-UF East/West Circulator) to provide service from 10 AM until midnight. ADA Paratransit Service is available through MV Transportation beginning August 27th from 10am to 5pm within a 3/4 mile buffer from the Sunday routes. For details, please review the ADA service coverage map posted on the RTS website.
Funding for the new Sunday Service is provided by UF Student Government and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
For complete Sunday Service schedules and route information, visit the RTS website.
- UF Law (on-campus bookstore)
Updating the Bar
Remember to update the FL Bar Application that you have transferred law institutions.
Student Organizations
While academic study is your primary reason for being at UF, there is still much to be learned by taking advantage of the many opportunities outside of the classroom. Through participation in activities such as membership in a student organization, internships, recreational sports, on-campus employment, residential life and faculty research, you will gain valuable skills that will compliment your academic education and make you a well-rounded individual. Please visit the Student Organizations website at the College of Law for a listing of organizations and the University of Florida Department of Recreational Sports that may fit your needs and that may assist you as you adjust to life at UF LAW and to realize that you are a valuable part of the UF LAW community.